2025 Goal-Small Improvements Daily

Transformation Small Steps Add Up

December 30, 2024

We are what we do. 

As someone who likes to have a list of things that need doing, I have always been good about having a list and adding to it. But not so good about getting it all done. 

After reading James Clear's best seller Atomic Habits, I realized that his recommended 2 minute rule- anything that takes 2 minutes or less just do it now- might work for me. It has, my list has gotten more manageable as those small tasks are no longer being added to the list. But the greater insight is that we can change our habits, and bigger things happen. I started to get more sleep (earlier bedtime) and felt much better rested when I get up every day before the sun. Tiny changes, daily incremental improvement, can change your life. If you are serious about developing new habits, and behaviors, that can pay off with compound results, check this out. You can find this very important book on Amazon Amazon.com: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones: 9780735211292: Clear, James: Books


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